Arco Marcus Baum 130 para cello de madera de Pernambuco de tamaño reducido. Fuerte, elástico y con capacidad de respuesta. Proporciona tonos perfectos.
Limpiador Marcus Baum Woodbalm para eliminar el polvo de resina del arco, dejando la superficie notablemente limpia y suave sin dañar la madera o el barniz.
The Marcus Baum 100 violin bow is made of selected Brazilianwood. Balanced weight. Great capacity of response and recovery.
The Marcus Baum 100B double bass bow is made of selected Brazilianwood. Balanced weight. Great capacity of response and recovery. German style.
The Marcus Baum 100CE cello bow is made of selected Brazilianwood. Balanced weight. Great capacity of response and recovery.
The Marcus Baum 100F double bass bow is made of selected Brazilianwood. Balanced weight. Great capacity of response and recovery. French style.
The Marcus Baum 100VA viola bow is made of selected Brazilianwood. Balanced weight. Great capacity of response and recovery.
Marcus Baum 110 violin bow made of superior Brazilwood. Elastic and sensitive feel.
Marcus Baum 110B double bass bow made of Brasil. Elastic and sensitive feel, great responsiveness on every note. German style.
Marcus Baum 110CE cello bow made of superior Brazilwood. Elastic and sensitive feel.
Marcus Baum 110F double bass bow made of Brasil. Elastic and sensitive feel, great responsiveness on every note. French style.
Marcus Baum 110VA viola bow made of superior Brazilwood. Elastic and sensitive feel.
Marcus Baum 120 violin bow made of Pernambuco. Strong, resilient and highly responsive. It offers clear and clean tones.
Marcus Baum 120B double bass bow made of Pernambuco. Strong, resilient and very responsive. It offers clear and clean tones. German style.
Marcus Baum 120CE cello bow made of Pernambuco. Strong, resilient and highly responsive. It offers clear and clean tones.
Marcus Baum 120F double bass bow made of Pernambuco. Strong, resilient and very responsive. It offers clear and clean tones. French style.
Marcus Baum 120VA viola bow made of Pernambuco. Strong, resilient and highly responsive. It offers clear and clean tones.
Marcus Baum 130 violin bow made of selected Pernambuco. Strong, elastic and responsive. It provides perfect tones.
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