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Super Nikco cleaning fluid 100 ml


New product

Water based cleaner for the optimal maintenance of string instruments: violin, viola, cello and guitar.

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Manufacturer Super Nikco

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  • Super Nikco is a water-based cleaner made in France, very popular and widely used by both luthiers and musicians themselves for the optimal maintenance of string instruments: violin, viola, cello and guitar.

    Super Nikco is an odorless and chemically non-aggressive cleaner. Its properties restore the instrument´s surface shine and disguise micro-scratches in the varnish. It also has anti-dust and anti-static properties.

    Instructions for use:

    1. Shake the bottle well before opening

    2. Wet a soft, clean cloth with Super Nikco

    3. Spread and rub over the area to be cleaned

    4. With another clean, dry cloth, rub generously until a shine appears

    5. Repeat this process at least a couple of times, until it is necessary

    It is recommended to have a good direct illumination near the instrument.


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