Sale! Pirastro Flexocor-Permanent violin string set Ball Medium View larger

Pirastro Flexocor-Permanent violin string set Ball Medium

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Pirastro Flexocor-Permanent violin strings have great projection and flexibility. They generate a wide diversity of sounds, with smooth, big, and lively tones. They produce a warm and round sound.

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Manufacturer Pirastro

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  • Pirastro Flexocor-Permanent violin strings have a warm and round sound, with a clear spectrum of tones. They generate a very good diversity of sounds, give a smooth, big and lively tone. They have a great projection and are very stable strings. This model gives the player a constant feeling of flexibility in the left hand.

    · 316020

    · E 316120: steel (ball end)
    · A 316220: steel/aluminium
    · D 316320: steel/titanium
    · G 316420: steel/silver

    · Medium

    · SIZE
    · 4/4


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